Drill bushings, also known as drill guides, are parts that you install into drill jigs, gun drills, reamers, counterbores, and other shank-mounted cutting tool types as forms of guidance, support, lubrication, and to allow for easier positioning.
They feature high-quality materials like tool steel, tungsten carbide and stainless steel, often with knurled surfaces, and stop your cutting tool from bending or wandering as they enter a workpiece. They also come with accessories like lock screws.
They are quite common in industrial applications and various industries and suit hobbyists and professionals working on metalworking projects. There are many different types of bushing available, which means it can often be worthwhile to contact a supplier or even drill bushing manufacturers to find out what you need. Sometimes, that process can also involve sizing, which is where a drill bushing size chart comes in.
To know the drill bushing size you require, you first need to know the necessary drill bushing dimensions, including the hole size, drill size, outside diameters, inside diameters, and more.
Before going through a catalog to find what you think will be the right tools and accessories for the job, download our free drill bushing size chart and consider this information below.
There are several standard drill bushings, including permanent bushings, renewable bushings, and air-feed drill bushings. They are all identified by ANSI letters and numbers, which helps you understand the bushing type and dimensions, almost like a part number. The bushing I.D generally has four decimal positions to determine the standard sizes:
The bushing’s length is measured from the underside of the head to the bushing’s exit point. This measurement process is also suitable for headless press-fit bushings, head-press-fit bushings, and press-fit bushings that are pressed into the jig plate and used for drilling or reaming.
They can be mounted with their heads exposed or counterbored. If the jig plate is counterbored, only this body diameter needs to be reamed.
These bushing types are the most common and least expensive and also come with recommended hole sizes based on the nominal bushing OD and actual bushing OD. Press-fit bushings are known for offering less resistance to heavy axial loads.
Decimal Inch
Fraction Inch
.0135 |
#80 |
.0138 |
.35mm |
.0145 |
#79 |
.0150 |
.38mm |
.0156 |
1/64 |
.0157 |
.40mm |
.0160 |
#78 |
.0165 |
.42mm |
.0177 |
.45mm |
.0180 |
#77 |
.0189 |
.48mm |
.0197 |
.50mm |
.0200 |
#76 |
.0210 |
#75 |
.0217 |
.55mm |
.0225 |
#74 |
.0236 |
.60mm |
.0240 |
#73 |
.0250 |
#72 |
.0256 |
.65mm |
.0260 |
#71 |
.0276 |
.70mm |
.0280 |
#70 |
.0292 |
#69 |
.0295 |
.75mm |
.0310 |
#68 |
.0312 |
1/32 |
.0315 |
.80mm |
.0320 |
#67 |
.0330 |
#66 |
.0335 |
.85mm |
.0350 |
#65 |
.0354 |
.90mm |
.0360 |
#64 |
.0370 |
#63 |
.0374 |
.95mm |
.0380 |
#62 |
.0390 |
#61 |
.0394 |
1.00mm |
.0400 |
#60 |
.0410 |
#59 |
.0413 |
1.05mm |
.0420 |
#58 |
.0430 |
#57 |
.0433 |
1.10mm |
.0453 |
1.15mm |
.0465 |
#56 |
.0469 |
3/64 |
.0472 |
1.20mm |
.0492 |
1.25mm |
.0512 |
1.30mm |
.0520 |
#55 |
.0531 |
1.35mm |
.0550 |
#54 |
.0551 |
1.40mm |
.0571 |
1.45mm |
.0591 |
1.50mm |
.0595 |
#53 |
.0610 |
1.55mm |
.0625 |
1/16 |
.0630 |
1.60mm |
.0635 |
#52 |
.0650 |
1.65mm |
.0669 |
1.70mm |
.0670 |
#51 |
.0689 |
1.75mm |
.0700 |
#50 |
.0709 |
1.80mm |
.0728 |
1.85mm |
.0730 |
#49 |
.0748 |
1.90mm |
.0760 |
#48 |
.0768 |
1.95mm |
.0781 |
5/64 |
.0785 |
#47 |
.0787 |
2.00mm |
.0807 |
2.05mm |
.0810 |
#46 |
.0820 |
#45 |
.0827 |
2.10mm |
.0846 |
2.15mm |
.0860 |
#44 |
.0866 |
2.20mm |
.0886 |
2.25mm |
.0890 |
#43 |
.0906 |
2.30mm |
.0925 |
2.35mm |
.0935 |
#42 |
.0938 |
3/32 |
.0945 |
2.40mm |
.0960 |
#41 |
.0965 |
2.45mm |
.0980 |
#40 |
.0984 |
2.50mm |
.0995 |
#39 |
.1004 |
2.55mm |
.1015 |
#38 |
.1024 |
2.60mm |
.1040 |
#37 |
.1043 |
2.65mm |
.1063 |
2.70mm |
.1065 |
#36 |
.1083 |
2.75mm |
.1094 |
7/64 |
.1100 |
#35 |
.1102 |
2.80mm |
.1110 |
#34 |
.1130 |
#33 |
.1142 |
2.90mm |
.1160 |
#32 |
.1181 |
3.00mm |
.1200 |
#31 |
.1220 |
3.10mm |
.1250 |
1/8 |
.1260 |
3.20mm |
.1280 |
3.25mm |
.1285 |
#30 |
.1299 |
3.30mm |
.1339 |
3.40mm |
.1360 |
#29 |
.1378 |
3.50mm |
.1405 |
#28 |
.1406 |
9/64 |
.1417 |
3.60mm |
.1440 |
#27 |
.1457 |
3.70mm |
.1470 |
#26 |
.1476 |
3.75mm |
.1495 |
#25 |
.1496 |
3.80mm |
.1520 |
#24 |
.1535 |
3.90mm |
.1540 |
#23 |
.1562 |
5/32 |
.1570 |
#22 |
— |
.1575 |
4.00mm |
.1590 |
#21 |
.1610 |
#20 |
.1614 |
4.10mm |
.1654 |
4.20mm |
.1660 |
#19 |
.1673 |
4.25mm |
.1693 |
4.30mm |
.1695 |
#18 |
.1719 |
11/64 |
.1730 |
#17 |
.1732 |
4.40mm |
.1770 |
#16 |
.1772 |
4.50mm |
.1800 |
#15 |
.1811 |
4.60mm |
.1850 |
#13 |
4.70mm |
.1870 |
4.75mm |
.1875 |
3/16 |
.1890 |
#12 |
.1910 |
#11 |
.1929 |
4.90mm |
.1935 |
#10 |
.1960 |
#9 |
.1969 |
5.00mm |
.1990 |
#8 |
.2008 |
5.10mm |
.2010 |
#7 |
.2031 |
13/64 |
.2040 |
#6 |
.2047 |
5.20mm |
.2055 |
#5 |
.2067 |
5.25mm |
.2087 |
5.30mm |
.2090 |
#4 |
.2126 |
5.40mm |
.2130 |
#3 |
.2165 |
5.50mm |
.2188 |
7/32 |
.2205 |
5.60mm |
.2210 |
#2 |
.2244 |
5.70mm |
.2264 |
5.75mm |
.2280 |
#1 |
.2283 |
5.80mm |
.2323 |
5.90mm |
.2340 |
A |
.2344 |
15/64 |
.2362 |
6.00mm |
.2380 |
B |
.2402 |
6.10mm |
.2420 |
C |
.2441 |
6.20mm |
.2460 |
D |
.2461 |
6.25mm |
.2480 |
6.30mm |
.2500 |
1/4 |
E |
.2520 |
6.40mm |
.2559 |
6.50mm |
.2570 |
F |
.2598 |
6.60mm |
.2610 |
G |
.2638 |
6.70mm |
.2656 |
17/64 |
.2657 |
6.75mm |
.2660 |
H |
.2677 |
6.80mm |
.2717 |
6.90mm |
.2720 |
I |
.2756 |
7.00mm |
.2770 |
J |
.2795 |
7.10mm |
.2810 |
K |
.2812 |
9/32 |
.2835 |
7.20mm |
.2854 |
7.25mm |
.2874 |
7.30mm |
.2900 |
L |
.2913 |
7.40mm |
.2950 |
M |
.2953 |
7.50mm |
.2969 |
19/64 |
.2992 |
7.60mm |
.3020 |
N |
.3031 |
7.70mm |
.3051 |
7.75mm |
.3071 |
7.80mm |
.3110 |
7.90mm |
.3125 |
5/16 |
.3150 |
8.00mm |
.3160 |
O |
.3189 |
8.10mm |
.3228 |
8.20mm |
.3230 |
P |
.3248 |
8.25mm |
.3268 |
8.30mm |
.3281 |
21/64 |
.3307 |
8.40mm |
.3320 |
Q |
.3346 |
8.50mm |
.3386 |
8.60mm |
.3390 |
R |
.3425 |
8.70mm |
.3438 |
11/32 |
.3445 |
8.75mm |
.3465 |
8.80mm |
.3480 |
S |
.3504 |
8.90mm |
.3543 |
9.00mm |
.3580 |
T |
.3583 |
9.10mm |
.3594 |
23/64 |
.3622 |
9.20mm |
.3642 |
9.25mm |
.3661 |
9.30mm |
.3680 |
U |
.3701 |
9.40mm |
.3740 |
9.50mm |
.3750 |
3/8 |
.3770 |
V |
.3780 |
9.60mm |
.3819 |
9.70mm |
.3839 |
9.75mm |
.3858 |
9.80mm |
.3860 |
W |
.3898 |
9.90mm |
.3906 |
25/64 |
.3937 |
10.00mm |
.3970 |
X |
.4016 |
10.20mm |
.4040 |
Y |
.4062 |
13/32 |
.4130 |
Z |
.4134 |
10.50mm |
.4219 |
27/64 |
.4252 |
10.80mm |
.4331 |
11.00mm |
.4375 |
7/16 |
.4409 |
11.20mm |
.4528 |
11.50mm |
.4531 |
29/64 |
.4646 |
11.80mm |
.4688 |
15/32 |
.4724 |
12.00mm |
.4803 |
12.20mm |
.4844 |
31/64 |
.4921 |
12.50mm |
.5000 |
1/2 |
.5118 |
13.00mm |
.5156 |
33/64 |
.5312 |
17/32 |
.5315 |
13.50mm |
.5469 |
35/64 |
.5512 |
14.00mm |
.5625 |
9/16 |
.5709 |
14.50mm |
.5781 |
37/64 |
.5906 |
15.00mm |
.5938 |
19/32 |
.6094 |
39/64 |
.6102 |
15.50mm |
.6250 |
5/8 |
.6299 |
16.00mm |
.6406 |
41/64 |
.6496 |
16.50mm |
.6562 |
21/32 |
.6693 |
17.00mm |
.6719 |
43/64 |
.6875 |
11/16 |
.6890 |
17.50mm |
.7031 |
45/64 |
.7087 |
18.00mm |
.7188 |
23/32 |
.7283 |
18.50mm |
.7344 |
47/64 |
.7480 |
19.00mm |
.7500 |
3/4 |
.7656 |
49/64 |
.7677 |
19.50mm |
.7812 |
25/32 |
.7874 |
20.00mm |
.7969 |
51/64 |
.8071 |
20.50mm |
.8125 |
13/16 |
.8268 |
21.00mm |
.8281 |
53/64 |
.8438 |
27/32 |
.8465 |
21.50mm |
.8594 |
55/64 |
.8661 |
22.00mm |
.8750 |
7/8 |
.8858 |
22.50mm |
.8906 |
57/64 |
.9055 |
23.00mm |
.9062 |
29/32 |
.9219 |
59/64 |
.9252 |
23.50mm |
.9375 |
15/16 |
.9449 |
24.00mm |
.9531 |
61/64 |
.9646 |
24.50mm |
.9688 |
31/32 |
.9843 |
25.00mm |
.9844 |
63/64 |
1.0000 |
1 |
1.0156 |
1-1/64 |
1.0236 |
26.00mm |
1.0312 |
1-1/32 |
1.0469 |
1-3/64 |
1.0625 |
1-1/16 |
1.0630 |
27.00mm |
1.0781 |
1-5/64 |
1.0938 |
1-3/32 |
1.1024 |
28.00mm |
1.1094 |
1-7/64 |
1.1250 |
1-1/8 |
1.1406 |
1-9/64 |
1.1417 |
29.00mm |
1.1562 |
1-5/32 |
1.1719 |
1-11/64 |
1.1811 |
30.00mm |
1.1875 |
1-3/16 |
1.2031 |
1-13/64 |
1.2188 |
1-7/32 |
1.2205 |
31.00mm |
1.2344 |
1-15/64 |
1.2500 |
1-1/4 |
1.2598 |
32.00mm |
1.2656 |
1-17/64 |
1.2812 |
1-9/32 |
1.2969 |
1-19/64 |
1.2992 |
33.00mm |
1.3125 |
1-5/16 |
1.3281 |
1-21/64 |
1.3386 |
34.00mm |
1.3438 |
1-11/32 |
1.3594 |
1-23/64 |
1.3750 |
1-3/8 |
1.3780 |
35.00mm |
1.3906 |
1-25/64 |
1.4062 |
1-13/32 |
1.4173 |
36.00mm |
1.4219 |
1-27/64 |
1.4375 |
1-7/16 |
1.4531 |
1-29/64 |
1.4567 |
37.00mm |
1.4688 |
1-15/32 |
1.4844 |
1-31/64 |
1.4961 |
38.00mm |
1.5000 |
1-1/2 |
1.5156 |
1-33/64 |
1.5312 |
1-17/32 |
1.5354 |
39.00mm |
1.5469 |
1-35/64 |
1.5625 |
1-9/16 |
1.5748 |
40.00mm |
1.5781 |
1-37/64 |
1.5938 |
1-19/32 |
1.6094 |
1-39/64 |
1.6142 |
41.00mm |
1.6250 |
1-5/8 |
1.6406 |
1-41/64 |
1.6535 |
42.00mm |
1.6562 |
1-21/32 |
1.6719 |
1-43/64 |
1.6875 |
1-11/16 |
1.6929 |
43.00mm |
1.7031 |
1-45/64 |
1.7188 |
1-23/32 |
1.7323 |
44.00mm |
1.7344 |
1-47/64 |
1.7500 |
1-3/4 |
1.7656 |
1-49/64 |
1.7717 |
45.00mm |
1.7812 |
1-25/32 |
1.7969 |
1-51/64 |
1.8110 |
46.00mm |
1.8125 |
1-13/16 |
1.8281 |
1-53/64 |
1.8438 |
1-27/32 |
1.8504 |
47.00mm |
1.8594 |
1-55/64 |
1.8750 |
1-7/8 |
1.8898 |
48.00mm |
1.9685 |
50.00mm |
2.0000 |
2 |
2.0312 |
2-1/32 |
2.0625 |
2-1/16 |
2.0938 |
2-3/32 |
2.1250 |
2-1/8 |
2.1562 |
2-5/32 |
2.1654 |
55.00mm |
2.1875 |
2-3/16 |
2.2188 |
2-7/32 |
2.2500 |
2-1/4 |
2.3120 |
2-5/16 |
2.3622 |
60.00mm |
2.4375 |
2-7/16 |
2.5000 |
2-1/2 |
2.5591 |
65.00mm |
2.5625 |
2-9/16 |
2.625 |
2-5/8 |
2.6875 |
2-11/16 |
2.7500 |
2-3/4 |
2.7559 |
70.00mm |
2.8125 |
2-13/16 |
2.8750 |
2-7/8 |
2.9375 |
2-15/16 |
2.9528 |
75.00mm |
3.0000 |
3 |
3.0625 |
3-1/16 |
3.1250 |
3-1/8 |
3.1496 |
80.00mm |
3.1875 |
3-3/16 |
3.2500 |
3-1/4 |
3.3125 |
3-15/16 |
3.3465 |
85.00mm |
3.3750 |
3-3/8 |
3.4375 |
3-7/16 |
3.5000 |
3-1/2 |
3.5433 |
90.00mm |
3.5625 |
3-9/16 |
3.625 |
3-5/8 |
3.6875 |
3-11/16 |
3.7402 |
95.00mm |
3.7500 |
3-3/4 |
3.8125 |
3-13/16 |
3.8750 |
3-7/8 |
3.9370 |
100.00mm |
3.9375 |
3-15/16 |
4.0000 |
4 |
4.0625 |
4-1/16 |
4.1250 |
4-1/8 |
4.1339 |
105.00mm |
4.1875 |
4-3/16 |
4.2500 |
4-1/4 |
Your specific application and needs, like whether you need special bushings such as type H, liner bushings, or thin wall bushings, can determine the dimensions you require. These include the total diameter, length-thru-bore, depth, and more.
However, bore size is the most commonly searched bushing dimension, with most metric bore sizes ranging from ½-inch to 4-5/8-inch. Fortunately, when you do your research and shop with reputable suppliers in the U.S., you get to make use of diagrams and drill bushing size charts to determine the dimensions and bushing installation requirements to suit your unique needs.
If you end up with a bushing that isn’t the right size and you’ve decided to grind it down, ensure that you use a grinding mandrel to get the necessary inside and outside diameter concentricity.
There can be so much involved in the drill bushing purchasing process, particularly as you need to familiarize yourself with ID ranges, ID sizes, spacing, interference fits, and much more.
Before you end up with the wrong sized drill bushing for your needs, take a moment to download our free drill bushing size chart. You can then have all the knowledge you need to make an informed purchasing decision.